Ok. Ok. I can't lie. I actually kind of like it.*

Why didn't I do this years ago?! This is so much easier. Men have it made. 


I had my second treatment today. It went well. David's mother came down to go with me. We haven't had much time alone together so it was nice to hang out and talk for a while. 

This time, they gave me a white blood cell shot bomb. I don't think I can get on an airplane with this. It's totally from the future. The drug can't be administered until at least 24 hours after chemo. So, to avoid making patients come in 2 days in a row, they stick this little "OnPro" thing on, activate it, and it starts flashing green. About 3 mins after it went on, it beeped and then stuck a needle in my arm with a little tube. The needle retracted, the tube stays. 27 hours later, it will beep again, then inject me with Neulasta for 45 mins. When it's done, the green light stops flashing, and I take it off. So weird. This should keep my counts up so I can skip the hospital stay this time. If not, they'll need to adjust the chemo dosage.  

Reminds me of something that should be in Total Recall.  

Reminds me of something that should be in Total Recall.  

So that's exciting. We came back to the apartment and ate some lunch. Then, I crashed for 3 hours.  

Tomorrow morning, I'm going in to get my port placed (FINALLY). I'll be under general anesthesia for it. Bet you can't wait for pictures of that one! 😁 

What else...oh! In wedding news, we have finalized the catering menu and contract. Good news! There will be food at our wedding. I figured if worse came to worst, I'd just order 20 pizzas, but we got it all worked out. I think this will be better than Dominos. 

I was on the receiving end of SO much love and support and amazing notes and emails these last couple of days especially. Thank you. You guys are awesome and it means the world to me. I was really nervous about starting this blog, throwing up pictures, putting my personal biz on blast, etc. but I've gotten nothing but love in return. So, thank you- from every inch of my heart. 💕 


*...I actually kinda like it...until my eyebrows come out.